RE: New database ID - NID!
Date: Wed, 22 Jun 2011 09:40:51 -0400
Message-ID: <1B861F1ABE40A84AA92AD585B20C558B271984D1AB_at_EX7T2-CV06.TDBFG.COM>
Yes. I believe db needs to be mounted not open. Tim's article.
still works for 11g as well
From: [] On Behalf Of Howard Latham Sent: Wednesday, June 22, 2011 9:37 AM
Subject: New database ID - NID!
Quite A funny utility name I thought! Anyway
Linux Redhat 4 Oracle 10 - trying to change database name
Anyone got NID (New database ID) to work?
I always get this
NID-00135: There are 1 active threads
DB has been up for a day so it cant be recovery threads.
I will go back to the old fashioned way of achieving this but just wondered if it ever works?
Howard A. Latham
Sent from my Nokia N97
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