Re: monitor rac database services
Date: Fri, 17 Jun 2011 13:16:37 +0200
Message-ID: <>
a slightly improved version of the script:
The script should be run as the GI owner or root, sample usage:
./ -h /u01/app/11.2.0/grid -d rac11gr2
Where -h requires a grid home directory as an argument and -d the database name.
I shut down one of the two nodes (rac001) on my test RAC where two services are defined:
dss - preferred instances rac11gr21 and rac11gr22 oltp - preferred instance rac11gr21
This is a sample output:
[grid_at_rac002 stagearea]$ ./ -h /u01/app/11.2.0/grid -d rac11gr2
Instance rac11gr21 is not running on node rac001
Warning: preferred instance status for dss:
current: rac11gr22 defined: rac11gr21,rac11gr22
Service dss target mismatch on at least one instance:
target: ONLINE state: OFFLINE
Warning: prefered instance status for OLTP:
current: rac11gr22 defined: rac11gr21
I'm sure there will be situations that are not handled correctly yet.
> On 15/06/2011 18:20, Radoulov, Dimitre wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I don't think there is a straightforward way for retrieving this info.
>> I wrote a small Perl script using a test rac 11.2 with 2 nodes
>> running on my pc.
>> The script is definitely not production ready yet :)
>> When you have time you could try it and let me know if it's working
>> for you.
>> Regards
>> Dimitre
>> On 14/06/2011 16:10, D'Hooge Freek wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I'm currently bussy writing a perl check to verify the status of a
>>> rac database service.
>>> When the service is down, while the target status is "online" a
>>> critical alert has to be given and when the service is running on an
>>> "available" instance instead of the preferred instance a warning has
>>> to be given.
>>> I have written such a check in the past for 10gR2, but now I need
>>> one for 11gR2.
>>> As the output formats have changed a lot between 10.2 and 11.2, a
>>> large part of the script has to be rewritten (also instances seems
>>> to be not as tightly coupled to nodes in 11.2). So I was wondering
>>> if there is a (supported) way to query the cluster registry without
>>> depending on the output formats of srvctl / crsctl. Which does not
>>> seem to be build for easy use in scripts.
>>> Information I need to retrieve is which instances and services
>>> exists for a database, what the available / preferred instances are
>>> of a service, the current state and target of a service and on which
>>> instance a service is currently running.
-- on Fri Jun 17 2011 - 06:16:37 CDT