Re: IBM Consulting info
Date: Mon, 13 Jun 2011 19:15:27 +0300
Message-ID: <>
What I expect is IBM to buy the perm staff ( convert to to IBM employee) from old company and to extend contractors. Only few key positions will be original IBM on the spot under IBM umbrella and off-shore support can be on need basis. Probably opportunities to ask questions. Perot, IBM have done this before.
Guenadi jilevski
On Mon, Jun 13, 2011 at 6:41 PM, David Ramírez Reyes <>wrote:
> Companies like Bank of America now should be named Bank of India...
> David Ramírez Reyes
> Profesión: Padre de Familia
> On 13 June 2011 10:40, David Ramírez Reyes <> wrote:
>> That is the core of most of this Indian outsourcing companies, they hire
>> you with a very low salary just by giving the "opportunity" of get an
>> American visa (for non american citizens); companies like Infosys, Accenture
>> or ACS (between others) are making this activities their "way of living'.
>> About 5 years ago, we were 5 DBA's in the company and I was the only one
>> ourside US, now I am the nearest, 2 are in India y 2 more in China (earning
>> less than the half of my salary, and I learn the half of the salary of my
>> ex- coworkers!)
>> Welcome to real life...
>> David Ramírez Reyes
>> Oracle Global DBA
>> On 13 June 2011 10:28, Andrew Kerber <> wrote:
>>> I talked with them at one point, they were establishing a support site in
>>> Iowa. However, the salary was ludicrously inadequate. About half of my
>>> current salary. Of course, that was probably when they were building the
>>> justification for bringing in lower paid DBAs on H1(b) visas.
>>> On Mon, Jun 13, 2011 at 10:13 AM, Dennis Williams <
>>>> wrote:
>>>> List,
>>>> A friend works at a U.S. company where the DBA services are being
>>>> outsourced to IBM. I believe this is IBM India. He has been invited to
>>>> interview with them for a job. He resides here in the U.S. I'm trying to
>>>> gather some information for him about how this all works. If anyone has
>>>> worked for or with IBM consulting, please help me out. Private replies are
>>>> fine.
>>>> Thank you,
>>>> Dennis
>>> --
>>> Andrew W. Kerber
>>> 'If at first you dont succeed, dont take up skydiving.'
-- on Mon Jun 13 2011 - 11:15:27 CDT