Re: Converting archivelog file name from FRA to %t_%s_%r.dbf

From: Guillermo Alan Bort <>
Date: Fri, 3 Jun 2011 11:43:20 -0300
Message-ID: <>

I think your problem is you need to take the archivelogs out of ASM, the naming issue can be resolved simply enough by mv afterwards (or not). Now, I know you can move datafiles and controlfiles easily enough out of ASM without using RMAN. I'm not so sure about archivelogs.

Check out the discussion in this same list about this:


On Fri, Jun 3, 2011 at 10:36 AM, Martin Bach <>wrote:

> Hi all,
> A bit of a funny question which has been raised today. Oracle
> RAC with ASM on Linux.
> Let’s assume for a moment that you have a production cluster with a disk
> group +ARCH used as the FRA. The archived redo logs follow the naming
> convention shown here:
> thread_*threadNumber*_seq_*sequenceNumber*.*fileID.incarnation*
> An example is thread_1_seq_94.348.752827039
> Thread and sequence number are self explanatory. The rest of the file name
> is composed of the file_number and file_incarnation as shown in v$asm_file,
> i.e. you could find this file in asm by querying
> SQL> select * from v$asm_file where file_number = 348 and incarnation =
> 752827039;
> So far so good. Now what I need to do is copy these files from the
> production cluster to another cluster and apply them to a clone of the
> production database to roll it forward.
> The question really is: do you know of a simple enough way to transform the
> files from their FRA naming convention into the %t_%s_%r.dbf format? RMAN
> cannot be used unfortunately, and it’s too long a story to tell here.
> Ideally I’ll run a shellscript which transforms
> thread_1_seq_94.348.752827039 into 1_94_12345623432.dbf
> Thanks in advance for any pointers!
> Martin

Received on Fri Jun 03 2011 - 09:43:20 CDT

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