Re: Oracle Text on Windows

From: Bill Ferguson <>
Date: Mon, 23 May 2011 07:53:11 -0600
Message-ID: <>

One other thing to keep in mind on Windows systems, especially if you need to do anything at the O/S from within the database, is that starting somewhere around 10g, Oracle changed how permissions work, so they are more *nix-like. Before, Oracle would install with admin rights, now it defaults to running as a system account; slightly safer, but by default, no environment variables assigned and I think I ran into some directory permission problems as well. Oh, those were for mapped drives. The system account didn't know the drive mappings. This can have an adverse effect when trying to run a host command that doesn't have proper permissions or env variables, and if you're trying to capture output or whatever for a PL/SQL routine to process, debugging is tough, as nothing clues you in on what the real problem was.

The best way is to install the Oracle software as a separate account and give that account all of the O/S and directory permissions needed
(and nothing else). It can be done after the fact also, but a couple
more things to watch out for under Windows, like going back into "Services" and manually changing all of the Oracle services 'run as'
(or 'run under'?), so when rebooted the proper account is used.

-- Bill Ferguson
Received on Mon May 23 2011 - 08:53:11 CDT

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