Re: Selective export
Date: Mon, 09 May 2011 11:20:53 +0300
Message-id: <>
I am assuming that by "selective data" you mean subset of rows in the table using the query option.
The query option works only for tables export, not for full or schema level, and operates on all the tables that are exported. It works like a where in select.
If you have tables a,b,c and your query want all records for department 12 then the export will do something like:
select * from a where department = 12; select * from b where department = 12; select * from c where department = 12;
So, if you have department in all three tables you can export one
department from all the tables.
If one table does not have department then you will get error message
and no data will be exported for that table.
Yechiel Adar
On 09/05/2011 09:50, Abhishek Gurung wrote:
> Hi
> I want to export selective data from three tables in one dump.
> Can anyone suggest me how it can be done?
> If it is not possible can I combine the three dump files into one?
> Thankyou.
> Regards
> Abhishek
-- on Mon May 09 2011 - 03:20:53 CDT