Re: Weird PeopleSoft PSNT (on Oracle) Database Error
Date: Thu, 21 Apr 2011 11:00:13 -0400
Message-ID: <>
Hi Chris,
I just noticed one line in the message
PSPRCSRV.4696 (0) [04/20/11 23:06:06](2) Explain: Insufficient memory available
May be this could be the cause as preceding line indicates that process scheduler is trying to start a process.....
PSPRCSRV.4696 (0) [04/20/11 23:06:06](3) Number of New Process Request(s) To Start: 1
From: "Taylor, Chris David" <> To: "''" <> Date: 04/21/2011 10:55 AM
Subject: Weird PeopleSoft PSNT (on Oracle) Database Error Sent by:
For you PeopleSoft DBAs out there (and anyone else that wants to chime in), have you ever seen this?
In one of our SCHDLR logs, we started getting the below errors and the PSNT processes started going to NO SUCCESS (or ERROR).
1. There are 0 entries in the alert log for the database. 2. I cannot find a specific ORA- error in any of the PSNT logs. 3. The error has disappeared now and no other database processes ever experienced a problem. 4. My “hunch” is that this is a PSNT memory error and not actuallycoming from the database…
PSPRCSRV.4696 (0) [04/20/11 23:05:50](0)
PSPRCSRV.4696 (0) [04/20/11 23:06:05](3) Server: PSNT checking status... PSPRCSRV.4696 (0) [04/20/11 23:06:05](3) Server action mode: Ok(looking for requests)
PSPRCSRV.4696 (0) [04/20/11 23:06:05](3) Server: PSNT looking for work PSPRCSRV.4696 (0) [04/20/11 23:06:05](3) Checking Process cancels... PSPRCSRV.4696 (0) [04/20/11 23:06:05](3) Requests found in Process Request table 1 PSPRCSRV.4696 (0) [04/20/11 23:06:06](3) Server: PSNT checkingstatus...
PSPRCSRV.4696 (0) [04/20/11 23:06:06](3) Server action mode: Submitting request
PSPRCSRV.4696 (0) [04/20/11 23:06:06](3) Number of New Process Request(s) To Start: 1
PSPRCSRV.4696 (0) [04/20/11 23:06:06](1)
PSPRCSRV.4696 (0) [04/20/11 23:06:06](1) Database error encountered PSPRCSRV.4696 (0) [04/20/11 23:06:06](2) Info: PSPRCSRV.4696 (0) [04/20/11 23:06:06](2) Section: PSPRCSRV.4696 (0) [04/20/11 23:06:06](2) Info: PSPRCSRV.4696 (0) [04/20/11 23:06:06](2) SQL Stmt: SELECT PARMLIST,WORKINGDIR ,CMDLINE ,OUTDEST ,ORIGPARMLIST ,PRCSPARMEXTFLAG ,PRCSFILENAME FROM PSPRCSPARMS WHERE PRCSINSTANCE = :1 PSPRCSRV.4696 (0) [04/20/11 23:06:06](2) Explain: Insufficient memory available
PSPRCSRV.4696 (0) [04/20/11 23:06:06](2)
PSPRCSRV.4696 (0) [04/20/11 23:06:06](0)
PSPRCSRV.4696 (0) [04/20/11 23:06:06](0) Msg Set: 65 PSPRCSRV.4696 (0) [04/20/11 23:06:06](0) Msg #: 65 PSPRCSRV.4696 (0) [04/20/11 23:06:06](0) Message: Process SchedulerServer was unable to find 1700715 in Process Request table (65,65) PSPRCSRV.4696 (0) [04/20/11 23:06:06](0)
Chris Taylor
Sr. Oracle DBA
Ingram Barge Company
Nashville, TN 37205
Office: 615-517-3355
Cell: 615-663-1673
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-- on Thu Apr 21 2011 - 10:00:13 CDT