Re: disable recyclebin?
From: Nuno Souto <>
Date: Thu, 21 Apr 2011 01:44:14 +1000
Message-ID: <>
None whatsoever. That's why I have a DR site, backups, 2-hourly archived redo logs, etcetc.
And for development and test, there is an overnight backup and quite frankly: if they drop a table inadvertently, I'll bang their heads together. ;) Enough incentive so far: in 4 years they lost only 6 tables and those were promptly (3 hours) restored in DR and reimported from there. Good enough for them and for me.
Date: Thu, 21 Apr 2011 01:44:14 +1000
Message-ID: <>
None whatsoever. That's why I have a DR site, backups, 2-hourly archived redo logs, etcetc.
And for development and test, there is an overnight backup and quite frankly: if they drop a table inadvertently, I'll bang their heads together. ;) Enough incentive so far: in 4 years they lost only 6 tables and those were promptly (3 hours) restored in DR and reimported from there. Good enough for them and for me.
-- Cheers Nuno Souto in overcast Sydney, Australia wrote,on my timestamp of 20/04/2011 7:11 PM:Received on Wed Apr 20 2011 - 10:44:14 CDT
> Nuno, don't you have concern about inadvertent drops of tables?
> joe
> _______________________________________
> Joe Testa, Oracle Certified Professional
> Senior Engineering & Administration Lead
> (Work) 614-677-1668
> (Cell) 614-312-6715
> From: Nuno Souto <>
> To:
> Date: 04/20/2011 04:58 AM
> Subject: Re: disable recyclebin?
> Sent by:
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> And that's one of the reasons why recycle bin is disabled in all my dbs.
> --
> Cheers
> Nuno Souto
> in overcast Sydney, Australia
> Chitale, Hemant Krishnarao wrote,on my timestamp of 20/04/2011 1:27 PM:
> > When the database is under severe pressure to drop and create segments, the
> > presence of recyclebin may sometimes cause ORA-1652's because the
> > 'auto-clearance' of the recyclebin isn't fast enough.
> >
> > I've seen that twice.
> >
> > See Oracle Support Article "***Bug 6977045 - ORA-1652 even though there is
> > sufficient space in RECYCLE BIN [ID 6977045.8]*"
> >
> > and read the text for Bug 6977045-- there's a short explanation of a design
> > decision on "extend or wait"
> >
> > Hemant K Chitale
> >