How to graph multi-series time-based SQL output?
Date: Fri, 15 Apr 2011 11:11:42 -0500 (CDT)
Message-ID: <>
Hey all,
I have a Grid Control report containing a graph of:
key_value2, collection_timestamp, value "SIZE_MB"
FROM sysman.mgmt$metric_details
AND target_type = 'oracle_database' AND metric_name = 'SQLUDMNUM' AND column_label = 'MY CUSTOM METRIC HERE' AND collection_timestamp BETWEEN ??EMIP_BIND_START_DATE?? AND ??EMIP_BIND_END_DATE?? AND value > 400
The GC graph is nice in that it effortlessly displays multiple series ("key_value2") over time ("collection_timestamp"). However, I seem to have to hard code the only filter for "value". When the graph contains a couple dozen different series it becomes unreadable and I need to manually edit the report, adjust the "400" to something else and rerun it until the graph becomes palatable -- for THIS run. The next time I run it, I may have to repeat this iteratively annoying process.
Anyone have a way to generate a single multiple-series time-based graph based on *DYNAMIC* SQL output? I've been looking at gnuplot, rrdtool, mrtg, and the like, but the *DYNAMIC* part eludes me.
I'm open to most ideas, but my preference would be something that I could hook into Apache/PHP, as a web-based solution would probably work better over a slow VPN.
-- on Fri Apr 15 2011 - 11:11:42 CDT