RE: Script to check disk space on AIX/HP-UX

From: Blanchard, William G <>
Date: Wed, 13 Apr 2011 13:11:12 -0500
Message-ID: <5AB39101E7EA7841BDE65D8E04BBD2A4012EF62C_at_CMBFISLTC13.FNFIS.COM>


I have some perl scripts I use to monitor the alert log, tablespace free space, filesystem free space and standby log application. I have them out on I'm updating them tonight with some bug fixes/improvements. The scripts are being used on AIX, Solaris, Linux and Windows.    

WGB     From:
[] On Behalf Of Alex List Sent: Wednesday, April 13, 2011 1:06 PM
To: Oracle I List
Subject: Script to check disk space on AIX/HP-UX  


I have a shell script scheduled to run daily on Linux and check the disk space.

After reaching a limit of x% partition full, it sends mail to a group alerting the issue.  

For HP-UX and AIX many parameters are different and doesnt work.

As I dont have skills enough to adapt this script, I thought if someone else has this kind of check/alert to share.  

I really appreciate any comment or thought.

Thank you.


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Received on Wed Apr 13 2011 - 13:11:12 CDT

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