RE: RE: TKPROF output
Date: Thu, 31 Mar 2011 09:41:02 -0400
Message-ID: <9CE162BC5ED2C643956B526A7EDE46FF020CF4B093C9_at_EXM-OMF-04.Ceg.Corp.Net>
In your new (slow) setup is there a significant difference in the network between the app server and the db server compared to the prod (fast) setup? E.g. is the app and db server in different data centers or different parts of the data center or is there now a firewall or some other device between the app server and db server? Anything that can introduce significant latency would cause the wait event you see.
It's also possible there's something else running on the app server that slows its processing of the fetched rows down. Have you run a vmstat or something similar on the app server to ensure it has sufficient CPU resources available while the query runs?
Are you sure that the app executing the query is exactly the same as prod? I.e. if it's a newer release it's possible the app itself does more with the data between fetches contributing to the slowness.
Finn Jorgensen
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-- on Thu Mar 31 2011 - 08:41:02 CDT