Re: Is Oracle Discoverer going away?
Date: Tue, 29 Mar 2011 10:32:00 -0600
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We had a discussion with our Oracle sales folks last week and we ran into this specific issue, we are using IAS10g for Discoverer and Forms services. We are almost done migrating our Forms to APEX, we asked about Discover because we are not buying the new middle tier. They indicated desktop Discoverer was included in OBIE (Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise) - you might want to begin your search in that area.
Just another cash cow method for their bottom line I'd wager.
Rick Weiss
Oracle Database Administrator
Student Assistance Foundation
P.O.Box 203101
2500 Broadway
Helena, MT 59620-3101
(406) 495-7356>>> patrick obrien <> 3/29/2011 8:21 AM
Good day Oracle Cronies,
I rumor going around is that Discoverer is going away.
I can see IAS being replaced/upgraded and renamed but not Discoverer.
Has anybody heard about where Discoverer's life cycle is heading?
Thank you much,
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Student Assistance Foundation, 2500 Broadway, Helena, MT 59601
-- on Tue Mar 29 2011 - 11:32:00 CDT