Re: FRA f/s block size
From: Nuno Souto <>
Date: Tue, 29 Mar 2011 01:45:52 +1100
Message-ID: <>
I'm aware of what is available in Linux. But I said Unix. As in Aix.
strace is a RPITA to use on something like RMAN. Pity IBM - of all companies! - provides so little gut-view software for that. Although there is probably some obscure add-on to Tivoli or similar to do all I need - meh!...
Date: Tue, 29 Mar 2011 01:45:52 +1100
Message-ID: <>
I'm aware of what is available in Linux. But I said Unix. As in Aix.
strace is a RPITA to use on something like RMAN. Pity IBM - of all companies! - provides so little gut-view software for that. Although there is probably some obscure add-on to Tivoli or similar to do all I need - meh!...
-- Cheers Nuno Souto in sunny Sydney, Australia Amaral, Rui wrote,on my timestamp of 28/03/2011 10:15 PM:Received on Mon Mar 28 2011 - 09:45:52 CDT
> For rhel 6 (similar in previous versions as well):
> more detail on the block devices files in sysfs:
> looking at queue size might help performance (depending on your i/o scheduler being used):
> one form of linux block tracing:
> and example:
> good ole strace also can give io and blocksize requests on running processes.