RE: MyOra tool
Date: Fri, 25 Mar 2011 19:53:20 +0100
Message-ID: <5A25A252E6111747ADBF7904B67E9DCA0183539B8425_at_MAILSERVER2.itdeusto.local>
I tried it too and ... I liked it !
It seems fast, thin, and usefull.
Thanks Sreejith for sharing!
De: [] En nombre de Srinivas Chintamani [] Enviado el: viernes, 25 de marzo de 2011 19:08 Para:
Asunto: Re: MyOra tool
Hi Sreejith,
The tool looks very useful. I have tried it for a few minutes and looks pretty good and works pretty fast on laptop. Looks like the licensing terms allow it to be used only until July-15-2005 after which it says it expires !
Not too sure about licensing really.
Srinivas Chintamani
On Fri, Mar 25, 2011 at 10:21 AM, Sreejith S Nair <<>> wrote: Hi List,
I have just downloaded this tool from Initial impression is quite good. The tool comes with a nice UI with some useful functions shown in the below image.
Is anyone using this tool ? How do you rate this ? Is it free ?
I wanted to know whether this is a freeware or a licensed tool, when I contacted them at the address given in vendor's site, I got a delivery failure message - "Unknown address error 550-'#5.1.0 Address rejected<>' (delivery attempts: 0)"
Kind Regards,
Sreejith Nair
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-- on Fri Mar 25 2011 - 13:53:20 CDT