Data and indexes on different volumes
From: Patty Vonick <>
Date: Mon, 21 Mar 2011 17:28:43 -0600
Message-ID: <B80E3C80BB6402419CAD9190E3BB749C012C9FF0AE_at_rpcoex01.rpcorp.local>
Hi all,
Date: Mon, 21 Mar 2011 17:28:43 -0600
Message-ID: <B80E3C80BB6402419CAD9190E3BB749C012C9FF0AE_at_rpcoex01.rpcorp.local>
Hi all,
We are currently running on Oracle Solaris v10... RAID-5 config. We're hoping to move data around in the near future for many reasons - and will likely migrate to ASM soon as well.
In the past, it was recommended that we separate data and indexes on different storage - for optimal performance. But, we've been hearing that is a thing of the past, and there are no performance gains by doing this - especially when running on RAID-5.
Our SA has been hearing the opposite - that if we separate indexes from the data, and put the indexes on faster disk (possibly SSD), we could see up to a 2x gain in performance - since the updating of indexes is an "expensive" operation.
Any thoughts would be very much appreciated.
-- on Mon Mar 21 2011 - 18:28:43 CDT