Messieurs et mesdames, les garçons et les filles, s'il vous plaît se souvenir d'il y a un mode de vacances. (think Willie Wonka)

From: Robert Freeman <>
Date: Sat, 19 Mar 2011 07:51:49 -0700 (PDT)
Message-ID: <>

Hey Ya'All..... (my southern twang there.... I don't really have it, but then I don't really speak french either) Please remember to put yourself in "vacation" mode when you leave on PTO, Vacation, Holiday, for and extended trip to the hospital for your sex change operation, when you are superior Oracle based education, when you leave the office for your favorite week long religious drinking rites (and the subsequent week long recovery), when spending the week reading charlie sheen tweets instead of working, when in New York watching 5 tapings of the David Letterman show and enjoying Rockefeller Plaza, while enjoying the pagan festival of your choice, while face booking for an extended period of time (like, say, a week) , when secretly replacing your favorite brand of coffee for Folgers coffee at some cafe far away from home, when taking time to scale the empire state building and then base jumping from it (let me know if you plan on that one, I want to watch), while attending your high school reunion and trying to rekindle that relationship that went sour 20 years ago, while taking a week off to read one of my fantaboulously wonderful books and you won't be reading email, while taking time off to learn to play the bag pipes or chasing kangaroos, while ridding splash mountain, while putting the hooker in the closet (which is related to the Charlie Sheen posts), while in jail, while in rehab, while insane (wait, forget that one or I'd have to remove myself), while fleeing the loan shark or the mob or the mongrel hordes.... while fleeing the "man" (they can trace you from your out of office replies you know), while taking time to build your own home, castle or village inn. While climbing to the top of the Himalayas, while falling from the top of the Himalayas. While taking a prolonged (over a week) bath. While engaging in activities you would not let your parents know you were engaged in, whilst on a pilgrimage to the Ben and Jerry's factory or to see the Cadbury bunny in Birmingham, UK. Also, I personally recommend permanent vacation mode for those who are under the age of 5 (mentally or otherwise), are concerned which tastes better: Coke or Pepsi (it's Coke). Who think that short people have no reason to live (it's a song for those of you who don't know), who shoot animals for horns or tusks and leave the rest for the vultures, who are mean all the time, who lack a sense of humor, who can never take anything serious, who drink and drive, who think that cache hit ratios are the perfect way to performance tune after reading through the posts in this newsgroup, who don't shower at least once a month (yes, we can smell you from here), who use my books as decoration, or who get irritated easily when reading long emails asking that you put yourself in vacation mode because it fills up the mailboxes of posters, I'm sure there is a longer list, but that's what comes to mind right now. I look forward to your emails. Remember, the bits you save contribute to a cleaner environment and reduce your carbon footprint (due to reduced energy consumption on the mail servers sending out your out of office email). You alone could save a glacier or polar bear, ensure that the polar ice cap does not melt and speed along the coming ice age where 2 mile high glaciers will dwarf the Empire State Building, bring to a grinding halt ice skating in Rockefeller Plaza for 12,000 years and show Charlie Sheen that even hookers in the closet news events can be overshadowed by something actually important in the world. Please send all nasty replies to robertfreeman_at_/dev/null. Vacation mode can easily be enabled and disabled at ..... Robert G. Freeman Master Principal Consultant, Oracle Corporation, Oracle ACE Author of various books on RMAN, New Features and this shorter signature line. Blog:
Received on Sat Mar 19 2011 - 09:51:49 CDT

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