RE: DBMS_APPLICATION_INFO and Business Objects Data Integrator

From: Larry G. Elkins <>
Date: Sat, 19 Mar 2011 07:20:57 -0500
Message-ID: <001501cbe630$1b1faaf0$515f00d0$_at_net>

Thanks for the response. And yes, we could set module, action, etc that way, but with a single id used for all ETL processes, then all would be labeled the same. The idea is to set specific values for module / action so data can be gathered by functional area, specific process, etc, and to also enable the ability to do targeted tracing via DBMS_MONTIOR. So it's really up to each process to identify itself and action.  

There are pre and post target events, that based on my understanding, could make calls to set these, but in one of the forums the product manager recommended against it. Didn't give a reason. For tracing, our only choice is to trace all the sessions for that ID and find the one of interest. And of course viewing resource usage in terms of module, action, etc, like what you see in GRID with well "identified" apps or what you can generate yourself, is unavailable.  

DI folks can report total time in these terms from the *tool* side, but it doesn't, of course, show how much was actual DB activity. Case in point, 2 hour process, complain about the DB, tracing shows most time on SQL*Net message from client, and log file sync (from committing after every single one of the single row actions). Very little time spent doing "real" work in the DB.  

Larry G. Elkins

Home: 214.954.1781

Cell: 214.695.8605

Work: 817.280.5634  

From: [] On Behalf Of Sriram Kumar Sent: Friday, March 18, 2011 5:07 AM
Cc: oracle-l-freelists
Subject: Re: DBMS_APPLICATION_INFO and Business Objects Data Integrator  


we had a similar requirement for a reporting solution and we did not get a straight fwd way. We had to restrict the reporting tool to a schema and create a on logon trigger on the schema to call the DBMS_APPLICATION_INFO. not sure if this helps you  

best regards  


Received on Sat Mar 19 2011 - 07:20:57 CDT

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