Re: NLS case insensitive in real life
Date: Tue, 15 Mar 2011 16:00:31 +0200
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A few days ago I was in seminar by Richard Foote, so now I know a bit about them :)
Actually these are quite interesting and promising features BUT the limitations as of today are killing them. You can use only one at once - either these linguistic indexes or good old binary indexes. So in case you have already running DB with normal indexes you have to either all time switch with alter sessions or recreate all existing indexes. And if you need both of them in ONE QUERY, then no way at all. Don't think that any of this scenario is possible in something more than trivial DB or APP.
So they probably could be used for quite limited cases for existing apps and DBs. Or if one builds a completely new app and db, then of course one can use them for the very start.
See more here
Gints Plivna
2011/3/15 <>:
> Oracle 10g, (solaris). Does anyone have any 'real life' experience with using the new features to perform case insensitive searches? Outside of what can be easily gathered from googling sites such as
> Developers are starting to get interested in utilizing alter session changes.
> alter session set NLS_COMP=ANSI;
> alter session set NLS_SORT=BINARY_CI;
> Or, Creating a function based index, etc.
> create index ind_idemo_sname_ci
> on invoice_demo (nlssort(supplier_name, 'NLS_SORT=BINARY_CI'))
> Trying to anticipate.
> Joel Patterson
> Database Administrator
> 904 727-2546
> --
-- on Tue Mar 15 2011 - 09:00:31 CDT