Re: LOB indexes and impdp
Date: Sun, 13 Mar 2011 08:23:51 +0100
Message-ID: <>
I recently did a kind of more elaborated query on dba_ind_columns.
you will see, it only compares the columns, but you can enhance it to even more informations to compare between the DBs to question:
WITH col
AS (SELECT table_owner,
table_name, index_owner, index_name, LEVEL l, Sys_connect_by_path(column_name ||'~'||descend, '^') COLUMNS FROM dba_ind_columns -- WHERE table_owner = 'ANALYZER' START WITH column_position = 1 CONNECT BY PRIOR ( column_position + 1 ) = column_position AND PRIOR table_owner = table_owner AND PRIOR table_name = table_name AND PRIOR index_owner = index_owner AND PRIOR index_name = index_name)
SELECT c3.table_owner,
FROM (SELECT c1.table_owner,
MAX(c1.l) ml
FROM col c1
GROUP BY c1.table_owner,
c1.table_name, c1.index_owner, c1.index_name) c3, col c2
WHERE c3.table_owner = c2.table_owner
AND c3.table_name = c2.table_name
AND c3.index_owner = c2.index_owner
AND c3.index_name = c2.index_name
AND = c2.l
On Fri, Mar 11, 2011 at 16:40, Mark W. Farnham <> wrote:
> Relying on index names as a sign of the indexes matching is a leap of faith
> that can blindside you to a difference.
> You need to produce the slightly more challenging query on the
> dba_ind_columns (or user...), including the column positions. You can
> report
> excess indexes on either side this way. Missing from production is often a
> problem, but different in production shows up as well. That can be harder
> to
> detect.
> From the indexes in definition that match by column order, you then have
> two
> sets of possible names, and you can query whether the detailed information
> about the indexes that match by column and column order are enabled, etc.
> and have something like a reasonable control on the differences between two
> instantiations of the schema. You can report name differences if you like,
> but except in tie breaker situations in certain releases of the optimizer
> the name of an index is operationally immaterial.
> Although from a sense of order and art, I damn well would like to be able
> to
> make all the object names match myself, it isn't material to whether there
> is operational identity. (Except in the aforementioned tie-breaker
> situations, which seem unlikely to eventuate in system named indexes.
> mwf
-- on Sun Mar 13 2011 - 01:23:51 CST