Re: Oracle License Audit
Date: Wed, 02 Mar 2011 22:39:20 +1100
Message-ID: <>
Dunbar, Norman (Capgemini) wrote,on my timestamp of 2/03/2011 9:53 PM:
> 3. Partitioning is in use by SYSTEM. Regardless. Turn it off and it
> still gets installed. Luckily, the registry differentiates between user
> and system use.
Or very simply by the auto stats gathering process, which uses it no matter what is installed.
> 4. Etc.
> It's a nightmare!
Indeed. Particularly when as 4. we could say:
4. Oracle consultants install partitioning in your EE installation and claim "it's part of EE". A few years later you're of course told it isn't and charged accordingly...
Said Oracle "con-sultants" are obviously nowhere to be seen and no one knows who/where they are. Until the next con-sultancy job gets advertised, that is: then they show up with a million certifications, Ace members, outrageous claims, etcetc...
Cynic, mooah?
> This script is the one that the audit guys will use and as far as I
> remember, the results go to Egypt to be analysed. Not sure how that
> works now, after the revolution.
-- Cheers Nuno Souto in overcast Sydney, Australia -- on Wed Mar 02 2011 - 05:39:20 CST