Re: auditing table help
Date: Wed, 2 Mar 2011 15:06:01 +0530
Message-ID: <>
You can check FGA which is pretty simple to configure and efficient.
Sreejith Nair
From: "Alessandro Lia" <>
To: <>
Date: 03/02/2011 03:04 PM
Subject: auditing table help Sent by:
Dear list,
I need to trace which statement run on one table. I just need to know i.e.
"select etc...."
My DB parameter are set for auditing.
I run the following script :
audit select on "user.table_name" by session;
If I query the AUD$ table I get:
3355750 1 24 01-MAR-11 XXXXX
but I'm not able to find the statement executed. Is there any way to get it? Is there any V$table to join to retrieve such info?
thank you for your collaboration
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-- on Wed Mar 02 2011 - 03:36:01 CST