Steps/DOC for Physical Standby with Real-Time Apply -Creation with Rman Tool.

From: Sheldon Quinny <>
Date: Mon, 21 Feb 2011 14:18:59 +0300
Message-ID: <>


I am looking for Doc or Steps which can be used in creating a Physical Standby Database with Real-Time Apply.

I have a Primary Database in Archive and FlashBack. OS- Windows 2003R2
DB- Oracle

Two Different Host.

I am trying to avoid downtime on my Production Database for the file copy that why I am looking toward Rman for the Cloning.

I know I could do this the traditional way and use Alter tablespace begin backup and all, But I am trying to explore Rman Capabilities.

Can someone guy me on steps needed to achieve it ..

I was ealier trying to follow two doc and combine into one , but I am not getting results..
DOC ID 343424.1 & 469493.1 Regards,

Received on Mon Feb 21 2011 - 05:18:59 CST

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