Re: data guard questions

From: Don Seiler <>
Date: Wed, 16 Feb 2011 23:36:48 -0600
Message-ID: <>

Note that with cascading standbys you can only have 3 levels. Primary A -> standby B -> standby C. You can have many other standby instances on the same level as B, and many other instances on the same level as C. But you can't have a C-level standby cascade any further.

I think prior to 11gR2, that "many other standby instances" was limited to 10, assuming that you are limited by the number of log_archive_dest_N parameters. In 11gR2 this limit is raised to 31.

So, if you like theories, in theory you could have 10 standby on level B each with 10 standby on level C for 100 total standby instances. But in 11gR2 you could have 31*31=961 standby instances, unless there is some new cap on this that I'm not aware of (which is certainly possible).

But most practically you'd have 1 physical standby feeding from the primary, and then a handful of others feeding off that one. I've only done this with physical standby, but prior responses seem to indicate that physical to logical works just fine.


On Wed, Feb 16, 2011 at 3:10 PM, Allen, Brandon <>wrote:

> No, real-time apply isn't another name for physical standby - it's just a
> configuration that enables the standby to apply redo as soon as it is
> received rather than waiting for an entire log file to be completed. It can
> be implemented for both physical and logical standbys. For more detail:
> Regards,
> Brandon
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Sheehan, Jeremy []
> Real time apply is another name for a physical standby (I think).
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> --

Don Seiler

Received on Wed Feb 16 2011 - 23:36:48 CST

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