Re: Puzzle - Abandoned Terminal.

From: <>
Date: Tue, 15 Feb 2011 08:07:10 -0500
Message-ID: <>

I would think it could sit there forever, but if you have like sqlnet timeout, that would force the "dead" transaction to close the session and rollback. I know thats what I've used in the past.


Joe Testa, Oracle Certified Professional Senior Engineering & Administration Lead
(Work) 614-677-1668
(Cell) 614-312-6715

Howard Latham <> To:
02/15/2011 08:06 AM
Puzzle - Abandoned Terminal.
Sent by:

We were just chatting about the problem of users abandoning their terminals
and the question arose - How long could a user leave an uncommitted transaction
before it got rolled back?. Which mechanism do we thionk would eventually deal with it?

I know the DBA gets called if a deadlock occurs but theoretically how long could it sit there.

Howard A. Latham

Received on Tue Feb 15 2011 - 07:07:10 CST

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