RE: PL/SQL best practices ? How to go to end of loop (i.e. next record)

From: Dunbar, Norman (Capgemini) <"Dunbar,>
Date: Thu, 10 Feb 2011 13:50:36 -0000
Message-ID: <919FC80F27E0C6428106496EDF92A752112EE33E_at_EXCCLUS05.PRODDS.NTNL>

Afternoon all,

>> Avoid goto at all cost.


>> _Considered_Harmful.html

Hmmm. Edgar has a valid point, but I'm loath to support the "avoid at all costs" proposition.

What's the difference between "EXIT" and "GOTO" to exit from a loop? Nothing other than semantics in my opinion. Both jump from current point of execution to the end of the loop. Job done. They are, in effect, both GOTOs.

CONTINUE [WHEN] and GOTO are also similar, both jump back to the start of the loop. In effect, they are both GOTOs.

So, having said that, I haven't used a GOTO yet in any of my PL/SQL programming. I use them all the time in my assembly stuff - no other choice really!

What Edgar (and Toon) possibly should have said is "avoid GOTO whenever possible, however, be aware that there are times when using one will make your code more readable and easier to write."

The Linux source code uses it quite frequently and effectively and it does make the source far easier to read.

I've seen programmers with a total aversion to using GOTO write code with so many nested IFs that it became quite difficult to figure out where you were and what you were attempting to do. Whereas the use of a simple GOTO would have saved lots of typing and heart ache.

Use GOTO, but only when it's the correct choice. Never say never! (Sorry, I just did!)

<Dons flame proof suit, sits back, and waits ....>


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