gv$session.audsid not unique for "normal" user session?
Date: Wed, 9 Feb 2011 15:04:09 -0600
Message-ID: <FD98CB0EE75EEA438CAF4DA2E6071C420BFA96AC08_at_MAIL.solutionary.com>
I am trying to write an after logon trigger to capture some session information (PROGRAM, etc.) that can later be used in conjunction with audit trail info.
The idea is that SESSIONID (supposedly) uniquely identifies a session in AUD$ and AUDSID (generally, with a few well-known exceptions like AUDSID=0) uniquely identifies a session in GV$SESSION, so an after logon trigger should be able to capture this info and I should be able to correlate this captured info with later audit trail info via (essentially) AUD$.SESSIONID = GV$SESSION.AUDSID.
However, this one has me puzzled. None of these sessions are background processes or SYS logons. This is in a two node RAC system (with AUDIT_TRAIL=DB,EXTENDED).
SQL> select inst_id, type, sid, serial#, audsid from gv$session where audsid = 1443323556;
---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
1 USER 3032 6162 1443323556 1 USER 3162 46368 1443323556 2 USER 3221 48778 1443323556
3 rows selected.
Any clues as to why there are three records - in two instances?
Thanks in advance!
Don Granaman
Received on Wed Feb 09 2011 - 15:04:09 CST