Re: DB move

From: Guillermo Alan Bort <>
Date: Wed, 9 Feb 2011 22:57:42 -0300
Message-ID: <>

This is just from the top of my head... but if the endians don't change, you could use RMAN to duplicate the DB, then stop the primary (lock it up), apply the archives to the new db, and open it. Downtime should be minimal and you can duplicate to ASM (it takes a little effort, but it's possible)

Of course, I may be way off the mark, but it's worth looking into it...

Oh, and of course, you can always datapump between dbs, assuming 10g+

Of course, there's always goldengate, but I reckon it's a wee bit expensive...

On Wed, Feb 9, 2011 at 7:42 PM, Ram Raman <> wrote:

> We are in the process of moving an Oracle DB 10g from AIX to HP. Old DB is
> in non ASM, while the new one will be in ASM. I found this<>and
> this<>related to moving the DB using Transportable DB and moving files from non
> ASM to ASM. It looks like it is not possible to directly move from non ASM
> to ASM from one platform to other in one step. Does it have to be a 2 step
> process of moving into non ASM in the new hardware and then
> converting/moving that to ASM?
> Thanks.

Received on Wed Feb 09 2011 - 19:57:42 CST

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