Re: Is listener working for every database
Date: Thu, 10 Feb 2011 01:06:35 +0800
Message-ID: <>
If I remember correctly, it was in SunCluster that they had (or still have) an account that logs in to the database and queries V$SYSSTAT. It is able to identify that the database is "alive and active" (e.g. by seeing that at least some of the statistics do get incremented -- at least user logons !).
Cycling through SYS AS SYSDBA isn't a good idea. It will also raise audit
lsnrctl status may not tell you if the database is not accepting new
connections (e.g. because the archivelog dest is full !)
reading the listener.ora is unsafe -- not every database instance may be
present and some entries may not represent a database that is still active !
Hemant K Chitale
On Thu, Feb 10, 2011 at 12:02 AM, <> wrote:
> All oracle versions, solaris 9,10. No ASM instance, so one
> listener/oracle_home.
> Back in the day, we had a couple scripts set up that would cycle through
> the databases and log in to an account using Sqlplus. This would tell us
> that the database was up and the listener was up and working as well. If
> not, then we would be notified.
> Today, there is EM to name one method, but I may have a short term
> requirement to manually check again, and perhaps this time without using a
> password that is plain text in any file including the script. The script
> would be executed from cron by oracle user.
> Instead of creating an oracle account with only create session privilege on
> every database:
> I can cycle through the databases and log in as sys / as sysdba, and see
> that the database is up without using a password. I can also cycle through
> the listeners using lsnrctl and I suppose check the status or something,
> OR grep for a ps for the tnslsnr listener name – thus trying to circumvent
> the password issue.
> But does that tell me the same thing as actually logging into each database
> using the listener? Discarding the idea that a database service name could
> have been ‘left out’ of the listener.ora file – because these are production
> databases and that is not likely, is there a better idea?
> Just checking for feedback.
> Joel Patterson
> Database Administrator
> 904 727-2546
-- Hemant K Chitale -- on Wed Feb 09 2011 - 11:06:35 CST