Re: Questions for a Jr. DBA
Date: Mon, 7 Feb 2011 09:36:45 +0300
Message-ID: <>
Yea...Thats right....
On Mon, Feb 7, 2011 at 9:31 AM, Subodh Deshpande <
> wrote:
> yes, unless one being humorous on himself/herself he/she will not learn and
> enjoy the work..:)..subodh
> On 7 February 2011 11:43, Sheldon Quinny <> wrote:
>> The Only Attitude that important in a DBA team or in your team members
>> would be of
>> 1) Being Patient about the situation {NO NEED TO PANIC}.
>> 2) Have Troubleshooting & Resolving ablity.
>> 3) Should have a sense of humor in everything :).
>> After reading all this the next guy whoes going to sit in front of Mr Alan
>> would really say , that he just pick the wrong day for the interview hehe..
>> All the best to it..
>> On Mon, Feb 7, 2011 at 8:58 AM, Subodh Deshpande <
>>> wrote:
>>> Alan,
>>> it is really an interesting are saying you want a team
>>> member...unfortunately many do not understand dba is/has to be a team
>>> member..many are of the opnion that just take a dip or force some one to
>>> take a dip in a tank called as dba training, as soon as he/she came out of
>>> the tank he/she will be more colorful dba !!!
>>> technical questions/knowldege matters..which can be shaped/shrpened
>>> further..provided a dba attitude exists..
>>> so what is your need basically..present days are of outsourcing...hence
>>> some of the times he/she may have to work how much you can
>>> dependent on him/her..without changing him/ have to get work done
>>> from him/her..
>>> recently I read the book 'How to be organised in spite of
>>> yourself'..penguin books usa..authors sunny schlenger, roberta
>>> gave me a different way of looking..habbits, attitude, attribute,
>>> characterstics does matters..
>>> thanks..subodh
>>> On 7 February 2011 04:36, Guillermo Alan Bort <>wrote:
>>>> So, I am in the process of reviewing resumes from several JR and SSR
>>>> candidates for the team. The question I came up with is, what kind of
>>>> questions (technical) should I ask during the interview. I can't use the
>>>> same questions I'd use with a Sr. DBA.
>>>> The questions i've come up with so far are the following:
>>>> 1. Difference between EXTENT and BLOCK
>>>> 2. Difference between USER and ROLE. When would you use each?
>>>> 3. Command to extend a Tablespace (tricky question? should it be
>>>> datafile?)
>>>> 4. Command to backup controlfiles (all you can think of)
>>>> 5. Steps to switch archivelog on or off.
>>>> 6. Minimum requirements in order to take a level 1 online backup (tricky
>>>> question?)
>>>> 7. What are the minimum required files to be backed up in order to be
>>>> able to recreate the database from scratch in the event of complete media
>>>> failure?
>>>> I may come up with more, but that's what I have so far...
>>>> thanks in advance
>>>> Alan.-
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