Re: Questions for a Jr. DBA

From: Sheldon Quinny <>
Date: Mon, 7 Feb 2011 07:11:51 +0300
Message-ID: <>


I like the question you have come up with...I am waiting for the answers too hehe ...

You can also ask the basic question based on the evnviorment the database would be like for Linux or unix , you can ask the ps -ef grep command...what does -tail command does.
How is scp done from one server to another ...or Ftp.. SSH to diffrent server...Diffrence between SSH and RSH or something.

How to check mount points, where is the oratab file located. How to get the size of the file in a human readable format.

what is the command to put the database in restricted mode. what is the minimum compatablity version for a 10g or 9i database. Do you put the language setting in the pfile or spfile ..

On Mon, Feb 7, 2011 at 2:06 AM, Guillermo Alan Bort <>wrote:

> So, I am in the process of reviewing resumes from several JR and SSR
> candidates for the team. The question I came up with is, what kind of
> questions (technical) should I ask during the interview. I can't use the
> same questions I'd use with a Sr. DBA.
> The questions i've come up with so far are the following:
> 1. Difference between EXTENT and BLOCK
> 2. Difference between USER and ROLE. When would you use each?
> 3. Command to extend a Tablespace (tricky question? should it be datafile?)
> 4. Command to backup controlfiles (all you can think of)
> 5. Steps to switch archivelog on or off.
> 6. Minimum requirements in order to take a level 1 online backup (tricky
> question?)
> 7. What are the minimum required files to be backed up in order to be able
> to recreate the database from scratch in the event of complete media
> failure?
> I may come up with more, but that's what I have so far...
> thanks in advance
> Alan.-

Received on Sun Feb 06 2011 - 22:11:51 CST

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