Re: 10g standby database setup question

From: <>
Date: Fri, 4 Feb 2011 11:01:27 +0200
Message-ID: <>

You do not need downtime for that.
But if you can get one then get it :) Just in case. I can only think of some LGWR timeouts untill everything is set correctly ( this is only true if you're gonna use SYNC log write modes)

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             Maureen English                                               
   >                                                To 
             Sent by:                      
             oracle-l-bounce_at_f                                          cc 
                                       10g standby database setup question 
             2011.02.04 00:22                                              
             Please respond to                                             

I set up a test standby database and everything is fine. I now want to do the same thing for our production database, but with the least amount of downtime.

The database is in archivelog mode and force logging is on. I'm creating the standby log files and making a copy of the pfile, but I haven't
added any of the new parameters, yet (i.e. fal_server).

My plan is to take a backup of the database, copy the files to the standby server,
then on Sunday shutdown the production database, modify the parameters, create a
standby parameter file, create a standby control file, make the listener mods I
need and bring the production server back up, with the log_archive_state for the
standby destination set to 'defer' until I have the standby created and ready to
receive redo.

Does anyone see a problem with this plan? For the test system, I had all of the
parameters set before I did the database backup. I'm pretty sure that won't make
a difference, though....

-- Received on Fri Feb 04 2011 - 03:01:27 CST

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