RE: interesting snippet from Oracle FUD paper
Date: Thu, 27 Jan 2011 11:09:40 -0000
Message-ID: <919FC80F27E0C6428106496EDF92A75210FADC2B_at_EXCCLUS05.PRODDS.NTNL>
Morning Richard,
>> ... At that point we discovered that the real reason for
>> no referential integrity is that they do things in reverse
>> so that the RI would get in the way. Programming dilemma
>> fixed by crippling the DB.
I used to work on an application that had no RI either. Being a fairly competent developer back then, I suggested that we should actually run the scripts that the repository created for us to add RI to the database. (It was Uniface.)
So we did, as a test and discovered that some developers had been creating new "stuff" and writing the child rows before the parent. Sigh. We had to turn off RI again.
However, later in life, Oracle introduced deferred constraints. Just what we needed as getting the developers to fix their back-to-front coding practices was costly and difficult. Deferred constraints worked for us.
Just a thought.
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-- on Thu Jan 27 2011 - 05:09:40 CST