Re: Who is using clusterware 11.2 with 10.2 databases in failover mode ?
Date: Wed, 26 Jan 2011 11:13:42 +0000
Message-ID: <>
Not sure what you mean about EM Agents not being able to monitor the cluster, so long as you have EM or 11g then 11.2 is a properly supported target. There is an issue where SCAN listener relocation isn't picked up properly, but there is a patch for that. (sadly the agent side patch conflicts with the January PSU).
On 26 Jan 2011 10:58, "Stefano Cislaghi" <> wrote:
Hi all,
does anyone have already implemented a normal failover cluster with 2 or n-nodes using clusterware 11.2 and databases running 10gR2 ? How have you integrated database in the cluster?
I discovered that 10gR2 can't be integrated in clusterware 11gR2 using
standard srvctl command, so manual startup/shutdown/monitor scripts
have to be used.
Also SCAN technologies for listeners have to be carefully evaluated
because actually I see that SCAN is completely integrated in crs and
database 11gR2 only.
EM agents can't be used in cluster configuration (I want to say one
single agent per node automatically monitoring databases via
srvctl/crsctl commands) and so one agent per database listening on
dedicated IP have to be configured.
Just to share opinions, cases and more
Received on Wed Jan 26 2011 - 05:13:42 CST