Re: [SPAM] Re: Noarchivelog Restart
Date: Mon, 24 Jan 2011 14:12:12 +1100
Message-ID: <>
Have you tried
dont't bother putting in a scn (I assume that level 0 backup is the latest
restore database;
don't even bother with the recover database; (there is nothing to recover)
and just open it.
other option to try is "RECOVER DATABASE NOREDO; # specify NOREDO because online redo logs are lost"
Jack van Zanen
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On Mon, Jan 24, 2011 at 6:24 AM, Ed Long <> wrote:
> I cannot explain this feature and is part of why I reached out to this
> group.
> As noted previously, the restore works just fine including the table space
> that won't come online which suggests that the error is software not
> hardware.
> I spent a couple of hours on Friday reading the fine manual and it states
> pretty clearly that one has to be able to do a recover after a noarchivelog
> level 0 restore even if there are no logs required. To me, this is
> nonsensical as a clean level 0 backup should be good enough as one
> respondent noted.
> I will have to chat up Oracle support to get any further.
> Packers and Jets!
> Thank you all for the assist.
> Edward Long
> --- On *Sat, 1/22/11, Hemant K Chitale <>* wrote:
> From: Hemant K Chitale <>
> Subject: Re: Noarchivelog Restart
> To:
> Cc:
> Date: Saturday, January 22, 2011, 12:09 PM
> Can you explain why you get the error
> "ORA-16433 the database must be opened in r/w mode" ?
> Apparently, the database is in read-only mode.
> Hemant
> On Sat, Jan 22, 2011 at 4:47 AM, Ed Long <<http://mc/compose?>
> > wrote:
> All I want to do is restore the database and restart. I don't want to
> apply any logs at all. Even in noarchivelog I should be able to do this.
> Anyway, recover database; returns the following:
> 1: RMAN-03002 failure of recover command
> 2: ORA-00283 recovery session cancelled due to errors.
> 3: RMAN-11003 failure during parse/execution of SQL statement: alter
> database recover if needed start until cancel
> 4: ORA-00283 recovery session canceled due to errors.
> 5: ORA-16433 the database must be opened in r/w mode.
> Edward Long
> --
> Hemant K Chitale
-- on Sun Jan 23 2011 - 21:12:12 CST