Re: Noarchivelog Restart
Date: Fri, 21 Jan 2011 18:13:53 -0500
Message-ID: <1B861F1ABE40A84AA92AD585B20C558B26EE45E343_at_EX7T2-CV06.TDBFG.COM>
Maybe try
Recover until cancel using backup controlfile?
Just a thought
From: Ed Long [] Sent: Friday, January 21, 2011 04:13 PM To: <> Subject: Re: Noarchivelog Restart
SQLPLUS recover database command does allow until cancel; RMAN recover does not. Go figure.
The recover database until cancel command returns ORA-00283 recovery session canceled due to errors. ORA-00275 media recovery has already been started.
Alter database recover cancel
returns ORA-01112 media recovery not started.
More research to be done.
Edward Long
- On Fri, 1/21/11, Ed Long <> wrote:
From: Ed Long <>
Subject: Re: Noarchivelog Restart
To: "Guillermo Alan Bort" <>
Date: Friday, January 21, 2011, 3:47 PM
All I want to do is restore the database and restart. I don't want to apply any logs at all. Even in noarchivelog I should be able to do this.
Anyway, recover database; returns the following:
1: RMAN-03002 failure of recover command 2: ORA-00283 recovery session cancelled due to errors. 3: RMAN-11003 failure during parse/execution of SQL statement: alter database recover if needed start until cancel 4: ORA-00283 recovery session canceled due to errors. 5: ORA-16433 the database must be opened in r/w mode.
Edward Long
- On Fri, 1/21/11, Guillermo Alan Bort <> wrote:
From: Guillermo Alan Bort <>
Subject: Re: Noarchivelog Restart
To: "Ed Long" <>
Date: Friday, January 21, 2011, 3:36 PM
How about 'RECOVER DATABASE' without any SCN and let Oracle decide?
PITR and NOARCHIVELOG don't go together.
can you show me the output of list backup of database?
On Fri, Jan 21, 2011 at 4:18 PM, Ed Long <> wrote:
Thanks for the help.
You are correct this is NOARCHIVELOG. My restore command is exactly the form you suggest.
Essentially I am trying to do a database point in time recovery which appears to require a recover database of some sort after the restore.
If I try to open the database after the restore without the recover I get
RMAN-03002 failure of alter db command
ORA-01147 System tablespace file 1 is offline
Edward Long
- On Fri, 1/21/11, Guillermo Alan Bort <> wrote:
From: Guillermo Alan Bort <>
Subject: Re: Noarchivelog Restart
Date: Friday, January 21, 2011, 2:10 PM
I'm assuming the DB is in noarchivelog mode, and that the LEVEL0 was taken with the DB in MOUNT mode. If that's the case, a simple restore, with no UNTIL clause should bring the data to the point of the backup. Why are you trying to specify the SCN?
On Fri, Jan 21, 2011 at 3:08 PM, Ed Long <<http://mc/compose?>> wrote:
Hi everyone and happy Friday.
I have a benchmark system that I can't get to restart and need your advice. Please understand that I've spent half a day on the RMAN user guide and reference without success.
Here is the sequence that has worked up to now.
1: Create LEVEL 0 backup using RMAN. 2: Run Real Application Test test. 3: recycle system to mount mode. 3: Restore backup. 4: Recover to SCN. (No real logs to apply). 5: start open.
None of the recover until options appear to work. I have an export of the application database so I can if necessary drop the database and start over again. However, I want to understand this recovery scenario so if it happens in the future on a system I don't have an export of I understand my options. All of my options end up with the system table space off line. I don't see a way to get it back online. RMAN 11003 appears to be the root of the problem although the version I'm seeing is garbled. Edward Long
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-- on Fri Jan 21 2011 - 17:13:53 CST