Re: IFILE directive for tnsnames.ora
Date: Wed, 12 Jan 2011 11:14:52 +0100
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Hi Norman,
ok, that was the section of the docs that I found as well. But in my eyes it is only about the database init params, not about the networking params. Maybe I'm picky, but in my opinion this parameter should be documented in the networking docs as well (like, because in this context it's not exactly an "init parameter".
Thus, I am still worried if I could recommend the use of this feature to customers (means: not documented --> maybe gone tomorrow, even though it works today).
Well, I'll probably change my ER to a "don't deprecate this"-request and a "please document this"-request, then. :-)
However: I've learnt something today - thanks to you, folks!
Kind regards,
Am 12.01.2011 10:37, schrieb Dunbar, Norman (Capgemini):
> Uwe,
>>> could you please give me a pointer / URL to this section? I
>>> only found IFILE in the database and HS docs but not in the
> Networking
>>> docs where it should be (all 10gR2).
> My diocs are locally installed on my laptop, but online, I found it here
> for 10.2:
> s081.htm
> I know it looks like it is restricted to INI.ORA type files, but it does
> work elsewhere. I haven't tried it in a listener.ora (yet) but I suspect
> it may work.
> There's a thread here
> on it's use
> Cheers,
> Norm.
> Norman Dunbar
> Contract Senior Oracle DBA
> Capgemini Database Team (EA)
> Internal : 7 28 2051
> External : 0113 231 2051
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-- on Wed Jan 12 2011 - 04:14:52 CST