RE: WebFocus and Oracle Views
Date: Wed, 5 Jan 2011 10:29:13 -0500
Message-ID: <1B861F1ABE40A84AA92AD585B20C558B26EBC56B49_at_EX7T2-CV06.TDBFG.COM>
I am not all that familiar with Webfocus other than what we all find on the web but I agree with Niall and Dominic. Sounds like Webfocus is builds it's own data dictionary for it's own BI interface (Remedy does this as well which I am all too sadly familiar with). Given that it's a BI tool I wonder if he wants the MV to get a snapshot of the data (for a look up as Dominic suggested) if it's from a source that changes quickly like a streamSQL or CEP type of source though the 1 minute refresh interval is a bit troubling and makes little sense, to me at least.
Rui Amaral
From: [] On Behalf Of Niall Litchfield Sent: Wednesday, January 05, 2011 9:52 AM To: Cc:; Subject: Re: WebFocus and Oracle Views
I passed on this snippet to Dick earlier but there's a forum thread at there's a forum post at that suggests very strongly that WebFocus is exactly building its own (presumably database independent) dictionary from queries against the Oracle Data dictionary - though the problem in the thread is the reverse of the developer's stated position. Fortunately with reference to my earlier post, not only am I never going to become King, I've also yet to meet a development or reporting tool that couldn't speak SQL if really required (or at the very least use the output of stored procedures), more usually the issue is that the developer doesn't speak SQL.
On Wed, Jan 5, 2011 at 2:01 PM, <<>> wrote: It might be revealing to trace what WebFocus is doing that means it can't use a view (allegedly).
From what little documentation there is publically available, who knows what the "SQL Translation" layer does. But it's not impossible that it's doing some sort of lookup against something like USER_TABLES as it "translates SQL to an internal, canonical form" and then back to "specific SQL dialects supported by proprietary RDBMSs" - "whatever".
However, it also looks like it can operate with straight "SQL Pass through" so maybe this would avoid any source of the problem.
But, my first reaction is that some sort of lookup is involved and that causes the problem - find the lookup and you're at least part of the way to thinking about ways to avoid the issue.
From:<> [<>] On Behalf Of Goulet, Richard Sent: 05 January 2011 12:29
To:<> Subject: WebFocus and Oracle Views
Guys and Gals,
I've a WebFocus developer here who is telling mew that he cannot use a view to query data from the database. The app developers have created and tuned these views to the n'th degree so that they provide correct data quickly ( I have to pat these folks on the back as they really did work hard on them). Anyway this duhveloper wants to create MV's out of them so that "WebFocus will behave as expected" and he is absolutely adamant about it to the point that he has not started his work because "we won't let him create his MV's". BTW: he wants to refresh these at 1 minute intervals and they will require a full refresh. I've searched the WEB and even talked to a couple of others that I know who've used WebFocus and can't find anything that in any way substantiates what this person is telling me. In a bit of frustration with him I'm turning to the list to see if any of you have ever heard or seen anything along these lines. All replies are appreciated. As I understand it it's WebFocus 7.0 on Linux RH5 using an Oracle backend database also on RH.
Thanks in advance.
Dick Goulet
Senior Oracle DBA
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Niall Litchfield
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