Oracle 9.2 Instant Client question

From: Walt Weaver <>
Date: Mon, 27 Dec 2010 19:38:10 -0700
Message-ID: <>

I'm mainly a MySQL dba now, but I got a request today to find out if it's possible to install the 9.2 Instant Client on Linux RHEL5. From what I've found, not only is it not available for RHEL5 but it's nowhere to be found now.

I DO have a copy of the Linux version of the Oracle client that's over a year old, but I don't think it's the instant client.

I also don't what I'm supposed to do is possible, but if anyone has any information that might help it would be much appreciated.

--Walt Weaver

  Bozeman, Montana

-- Received on Mon Dec 27 2010 - 20:38:10 CST

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