Re: DBA_VIEWS interactive reference available from OTN
Date: Thu, 09 Dec 2010 11:37:33 -0800
Message-ID: <>
Hello, Rich, Brandon, Jared, Jack,
Thank you for the feedback on the Oracle Database 11g: Interactive Quick Reference (IQR) that my team produced. At this point in time, it is by no means a replacement for the reference guide in the product documentation library.
However, the IQR does have some things the documentation doesn't include:
- an architecture diagram of the key processes, memory structures, and files
- a categorization of the background processes, plus which ones are started by default, which ones are required, and which ones are new (the background processes table in the documentation <> doesn't include all of this info)
- the DBA views, and the RAC-related V$ views, are categorized
We have also posted a SWF version of the IQR (click here for download
<>) so
that Mac OS and Linux users don't have to use the .EXE version. We did
consider creating the IQR using HTML5+CSS3, but we did not have the
resources or time right now. This first version of the IQR was not
actually funded -- all of it was done on "spare" cycles.
There were many features (such as searchability, sortable tables, covering all of the V$ views, an ERD of the DBA and V$ views, easier / more intuitive navigation, etc.) that we just did not have the time to get to in this initial proof-of-concept release. With this first attempt, we were just trying to take what was included in the printed Oracle data dictionary posters, and add a little more info, but deliver it digitally.
I have added your feedback to our enhancements list for the DB 12.1 version of the IQR. Thanks again for taking the time to provide feedback.
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Jenny Tsai-Smith <> | Senior Director |
650.506.4661 | 650.743.8272
Oracle Server Technologies Curriculum Development
400 Oracle Parkway, 4OP1088 | Redwood Shores, CA 94065
On 12/9/2010 11:13 AM, Jared Still wrote:
> On Thu, Dec 9, 2010 at 8:32 AM, Allen, Brandon
> < <>> wrote:
> I'm with you on this one Rich - I greatly prefer the good ol'
> online reference documentation, which is easily searchable, more
> accessible, more detailed and presumably more accurate and
> up-to-date. I would recommend that anyone looking for reference
> info go to the link below rather than that application:
> ... and the docs include v$ views.
> Jared Still
> Certifiable Oracle DBA and Part Time Perl Evangelist
> Oracle Blog:
> Home Page:
-- on Thu Dec 09 2010 - 13:37:33 CST