RE: Trick to generate trigger codes for some of the tables
Date: Mon, 6 Dec 2010 09:10:10 -0500
Message-ID: <AD4532B304E00C4F9AEFA0D338DF7DD1DE458BBC_at_excnysm95banp.nysemail.nyenet>
You can create a small procedure where you output multiple 100 char lines. Just break the string up into 100 char chunks and display each chunk separately.
From: [] On Behalf Of Sreejith S Nair
Sent: Monday, December 06, 2010 7:50 AM
To: Nigel Thomas
Subject: Re: Trick to generate trigger codes for some of the tables
Thank you all for the hints.
Is there any way, I can output and see if the syntax is correct ?
DBMS_OUT doesn't seems to work.
Thank You,
Kind Regards,
Sreejith Nair
From: Nigel Thomas <> To: Cc: Date: 12/06/2010 06:01 PM Subject: Re: Trick to generate trigger codes for some of the tables Sent by: ________________________________
The PARSE procedure also supports the following syntax for large SQL statements: DBMS_SQL.PARSE (
c IN INTEGER, statement IN VARCHAR2S, lb IN INTEGER, ub IN INTEGER, lfflg IN BOOLEAN, language_flag IN INTEGER);
The procedure concatenates elements of a PL/SQL table statement and parses the resulting string. You can use this procedure to parse a statement that is longer than the limit for a single VARCHAR2 variable by splitting up the statement.
VARCHAR2S is a table of VARCHAR2
See the PL/SQL Packages and Types book<>.
Regards Nigel
On 6 December 2010 12:10, Sreejith S Nair <<>> wrote: Hi List,
We have a requirement in generating triggers for a set of configured tables in our database ( Oracle 10g) . I am thinking to write a procedure which reads the table names configured and create trigger for each table with a defined business ( Its just for audit , so the trigger code is same for table A and B but the name and columns might differ , the basic logic is same.)
The problem I am facing is that , in my generic procedure I am not able to generate the trigger string and execute it using 'EXECUTE IMMEDIATE' as for some of our tables when all columns and trigger code is appended the string goes beyond 4000( defined as VARCHAR2) .
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-- on Mon Dec 06 2010 - 08:10:10 CST