Re: Re Laptop for Lots of VMs

From: <>
Date: Sun, 5 Dec 2010 04:42:48 +0000

I run vmware and virtual box on windows and it runs fine. Just need enough disk space for all your vm's and memory to run them. Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

-----Original Message-----

From: rjamya <>
Sender: Date: Sat, 4 Dec 2010 21:09:35
To: <>
Subject: Re: Re Laptop for Lots of VMs

So no one runs VMs on Windows laptops? I am actually shopping for one right now, but both experiences here are Mac and I also noticed on recent webinar from Tanel/Cary/Kerry I think at-least two of them had Mac.

So, does buying windows laptop makes sense or no? I am buying it so i can also setup rac on vm and get to play with it on my terms (no possible at work setup).


-- Received on Sat Dec 04 2010 - 22:42:48 CST

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