RE: OEM - ORACLE support policies
Date: Thu, 18 Nov 2010 10:24:31 -0500
Message-ID: <011501cb8734$b3992b40$1acb81c0$_at_com>
If you have Premier Support or Life time Support essentially your target and related products such as EM are only valid until the target is de-supported. The Life time Support is just that the life of the product. Once Oracle deems that the majority of its users have migrated to a later version this product and its support will no longer valid.
In other words it's time to upgrade to the to the next version.
From: []
On Behalf Of Niall Litchfield
Sent: November 18, 2010 9:29 AM
Subject: Re: OEM - ORACLE support policies
Well this would surely be a conversation with your sales rep..
My take would be that as Support for (say) the database does not (at least legally) include Grid Control support (a separate purchase) then the statement is reasonable. Purchasing database extended support isn't a way of purchasing EM support. What would make an interesting conversation would be if you also purchased extended support for Grid Control. So yes I'd say that purchasing extended support for a db would not cover support of that db as a managed target in GC. Nor however do I really see why it should. I wouldn't expect purchasing extended support for a database target that was being monitored in (say) the Quest monitoring tool to mean that I could change the support agreement for that tool.
On Thu, Nov 18, 2010 at 1:57 PM, <> wrote:
Reference - Oracle Enterprise Manager Grid Control Certification Checker [ID 412431.1]
Somewhere in there is this (underlines mine)
NOTE: Oracle Enterprise Manager support for managing the listed targets
follows the support policy for the target. When Premier Support ends for a
target, Enterprise Manager Support for managing the target also ends. For
reference, see
pdf> Oracle Lifetime Support Policy and
frame=1> Error Correction Policy."
I am not entirely clear what this means and how does this jive with the life time support policy
If I can not monitor and manage a target after the premier support ends does that not practically mean that there is no support for that version (target).
Note that to me it also means that even if you purchased extended support for the target, support for OEM monitoring and managing of the target is not in place.
I am only talking about official support.
What gives?
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-- Niall Litchfield Oracle DBA -- on Thu Nov 18 2010 - 09:24:31 CST