Determining which rows have characters outside of the standard ASCII (0-127)
Date: Tue, 9 Nov 2010 07:55:44 -0500
Message-ID: <>
Hi all,
I'm trying to (efficiently) determine which rows have column values with characters outside of the range of 0-127.
My first attempt was something like this:
select doc_id,doc_authors from documents where regexp_instr(doc_authors,'[0x80-0xFF]') > 0;
But, that seems to select every row in the documents table, not just the ones containing characters with values in the range 128-255.
Looking at one of the rows returned from the query above, with dump(doc_authors) confirms that rows being returned don't have characters in the range 128-255.
This is a Unicode database, so, I also tried:
select doc_id,doc_authors from documents where regexp_instr(doc_authors,'[0c0080-0cFFFF]') > 0;
but, again, this seems to return every row.
So, can someone offer me a clue here?
Honestly, this is the first time I've tried using any of Oracle's REGEXP functions.
I'm sure I'm just doing something stupid, but I don't have a clue what it is, and the examples I've run across in the manuals and on the web, don't have anything similar to what I'm trying to do.
Received on Tue Nov 09 2010 - 06:55:44 CST