Help...RMAN and control file
Date: Mon, 30 Aug 2010 11:53:37 -0500
Message-ID: <>
I'm pretty new to RMAN and apparently I've been pretty stupid and not run some sort of maint to clean up my backups. I bag only that I got pulled to higher priorities and did not fully understand RMAN.
Anyway, I have a RMAN backup job being executed each night at 10PM using Symantec. So, my backup goes straight to tape. The backup runs fine. But, since the 7th, I've been getting tons of this in my log:
kccrsz: denied expansion of controlfile section 15 by 6481 record(s)
the number of records is already at maximum value (65535)
krcpwnc: following controlfile record written over:
RECID #182457 Recno 3109 Record timestamp
07/19/10 22:13:00
Thread=1 Seq#=19687
Backup set key: stamp=724803170, count=3409
scn: 0x0007.5a0bac52
06/04/10 14:58:59
scn: 0x0007.5a0c851a
06/04/10 15:48:35
Resetlogs scn and time
scn: 0x0004.e497f06c
06/12/08 11:47:44
Block count=20478 Blocksize=512
kccrsz: denied expansion of controlfile section 15 by 6481 record(s)
the number of records is already at maximum value (65535)
krcpwnc: following controlfile record written over:
RECID #182458 Recno 3110 Record timestamp
07/19/10 22:13:00
Thread=1 Seq#=19688
Backup set key: stamp=724803170, count=3409
scn: 0x0007.5a0c851a
06/04/10 15:48:35
I have my control_file_record_keep value set to 45 days. Where I 've been stupid is in not running the Obsolete(?) command to delete and purge the old backups.
My issue now is that I suspect I will have a bunch of this generated again tonight at 10PM and I think it interfered with another job I tried to run. The tapes containing the older backups are no longer available.
So, in my panic scan through the documentation, I'm trying to find a command that will purge all the obsolete records from my control file without having the backupsets available on tape. I've opened a SR with Oracle, but, this list normally responds faster. What is the proper command string I need to issue to get my control file cleaned up, and not crash my system. a slight bit of a panic till I get his taken care of......
-- on Mon Aug 30 2010 - 11:53:37 CDT