Re: HOWTO create in UNIX a *.xlsx (M$ Excel) with data from Oracle (not CSV!)
Date: Wed, 23 Jun 2010 09:53:30 +0530
Message-ID: <>
Also Have a look at a simple macro which exports Database structures to Microsoft Excel here.Its a good stuff.Not sure if it is relevant in this context though !
Best Regards,
Sreejith Nair
From: Nigel Thomas <>
To: Cc: Date: 06/22/2010 11:11 PM Subject: Re: HOWTO create in UNIX a *.xlsx (M$ Excel) with data from Oracle (not CSV!) Sent by:
Is it possible to make a native Excel sheet from UNIX? We need basic
formatting of the resulting sheet.
For example the field act_msg is a VARCHAR2 with 4000 Byte. In CSV
this is a mess...
as well as Perl, you can also use the Apache POI libraries, which give a Java interface (works fine on any platform). See Apache POI - the Java API for Microsoft Documents. I'm using it at the moment, both for reading and writing Excel spreadsheets (xls and xlsx both supported).
HTH Regards Nigel
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-- on Tue Jun 22 2010 - 23:23:30 CDT