Collaborate Meetup

From: Matthew Zito <>
Date: Fri, 16 Apr 2010 19:15:34 -0400
Message-ID: <>

Are any of the folks from Oracle-L interested in meeting up on Monday night? I see the "welcome reception" ends at 7:30, so I was thinking perhaps getting together around 7 or 7:30 at Mizuya bar, which is in Mandalay, reasonably close to the convention center, and centrally located for people who are staying in other hotels. They serve sushi, but I do recommend sticking to the beer and sake.  

If this sounds interesting, feel free to email me on- or off-list, I'd like to get at least a rough count of people who might be attending. If anyone has better ideas, I would also welcome them.  

Looking forward to it,


Received on Fri Apr 16 2010 - 18:15:34 CDT

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