listener.trc doesn't contain timestamps despite TRACE_TIMESTAMP_LISTENER=ON

From: Herbener, Martin - KETS Engineering and Management <>
Date: Tue, 6 Apr 2010 10:14:46 -0400
Message-ID: <>


Database is on Windows 2003. We are trying to diagnose a SQLNET issue by capturing listener traces. In order to match trace entries with clients we want timestamps in the listener trace file. We put TRACE_TIMESTAMP_LISTENER=ON in the LISTENER.ORA file, do a lsnctrl RELOAD, start tracing with lsnctrl trace 16, and a listener.trc file is generated - but no timestamps.

We also tried a lsnctrl stop/start (instead of RELOAD) with the same results.

Any ideas?



Martin Herbener
502 564 2020 ext 254
Office of Education Technology
Kentucky Department of Education

-- Received on Tue Apr 06 2010 - 09:14:46 CDT

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