Re: RAC: different O_H for instances on different nodes?
Date: Wed, 17 Feb 2010 15:34:36 +0100
Message-ID: <>
Thank you Niall, Andrew,
the reason I do not want to patch toe original O_H is: I have multiple DBs on this cluster, all but one should stay at the old O_H, only one should be patched. As I don't waste space (and even more complex environments) I have no 1:1 relationship between DB and O_H. Of course I want to achieve NO downtime, if possible. I will do a manual way of rolling upgrade with different O_Hs and provide the results.
Is there any reason why Oracle linked the O_H to a database resource (and not to instance resources)? I know, this is a philosophical question until some developer comes and answeres it...
best regards,
On Wed, Feb 17, 2010 at 15:21, Niall Litchfield
<> wrote:
> The conventional reason would be for backup/rollback purposes. The cleanest
> way I've found to acheive this is:
> to clone the ORACLE_HOME on each node
> then patch the new home.
> Then move the database home using svrctl
> run catpatch -- er I mean catbundle psu apply! - on node 1.
> obviously step 0 is to backup the existing db.
> This method has surprisingly low downtime
> On Wed, Feb 17, 2010 at 1:59 PM, Andrew Kerber <>
> wrote:
>> This will not be possible because it would involve having two different
>> versions of Oracle accessing the same set of data files in a method that is
>> not a rolling upgrade. Is there some reason you do not want to apply the
>> patch to the current Oracle Home?
>> On Wed, Feb 17, 2010 at 3:27 AM, Martin Berger <>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi List,
>>> maybe some RAC-guru can help me:
>>> Config: 2 node RAC (Solaris_at_SPARC)
>>> several DBs there, one particular
>>> DB: CDB111T11_SITE1
>>> Instance1: CDB111T11
>>> Instance2: CDB111T12
>>> currently, both instances are using the
>>> ORACLE_HOME=/appl/oracle/product/11107 (local installed on every node)
>>> I would like to do the following steps:
>>> 1) install a new O_H on both nodes: /appl/oracle/product/11107_PATCH
>>> (with PSU - this patch is marked as "rolling RAC
>>> installable")
>>> 2) shutdown Instance1 CDB111T11
>>> 3) change the config for Instance1 to use the new O_H
>>> /appl/oracle/product/11107_PATCH
>>> 3) startup Instance1
>>> 4) shutdown Instance2 CDB111T12
>>> 5) change the config for Instance2 to use the new O_H
>>> /appl/oracle/product/11107_PATCH
>>> 6) startup Instance2
>>> 7) run the post-sql "_at_catbundle.sql psu apply" on Instance2
>>> I just does not know how to change the O_H on a per Instance base;
>>> srvctl modify seems to only let me chose one O_H per database (which
>>> is a nonsens in my opinion).
>>> can someone please help me if (and how) step 3 and 5 is possible?
>>> thank you,
>>> Martin
>>> --
>> --
>> Andrew W. Kerber
>> 'If at first you dont succeed, dont take up skydiving.'
> --
> Niall Litchfield
> Oracle DBA
-- on Wed Feb 17 2010 - 08:34:36 CST