RE: help with a SQL/view problem

From: Dunbar, Norman <>
Date: Tue, 16 Feb 2010 08:13:46 -0000
Message-ID: <919FC80F27E0C6428106496EDF92A7520B70064D_at_EXCCLUS05.PRODDS.NTNL>

Morning Bill,

>> WHERE a.owner = 'USGS' AND (a.table_name LIKE '%_BASE')

The above should be :

      WHERE a.owner = 'USGS' AND (a.table_name LIKE '%\_BASE') escape '\'

Otherwise you'll get all tables ending with '<any single character>BASE' rather than a specific '<underscore>BASE' as the underscore, unescaped is the wild card for any single character.

>> ...

>> The number being reported is actually the percentage of
>> that column populated based upon the total number of rows in the
>> DEPOSITS_BASE table, not the percentage of that column
>> populated based upon distinct DEP_ID's.

It's early here in the UK and I'm sorry but I'm not sure what you mean by the above. Sorry.


Norman Dunbar
Contract Oracle DBA
CIS Engineering Services
Internal : 7 28 2051
External : 0113 231 2051

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