RE: Oracle documentation

From: Dunbar, Norman <>
Date: Mon, 15 Feb 2010 12:56:11 -0000
Message-ID: <919FC80F27E0C6428106496EDF92A7520B6700A7_at_EXCCLUS05.PRODDS.NTNL>

>> Yep, about a week ago I complained my colleagues that oracle docs
>> nowadays are not sometimes down, but are sometimes up.
>> Of course I know some other sites but that's just very, very
>> annoying.

it is for this very reason that I have had a local copy of the Oracle docs on my desktop (and/or laptop) for many years. Responses and uptime were never much good (in my opinion) so a local copy was the only way to go.

I now have database docs from 7 through 11g available locally.


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